Welcome to the Entrepreneur Roller Coaster. Here's How to Ride It Forever. You go to a theme park to ride as many rides as you can, and entrepreneurship is no different.
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Being an entrepreneur is a lot like living life inside a theme park.
You already know about the entrepreneur roller coaster, but what most people struggle with is that there isn't just one. You'll spend the rest of your life moving from one roller coaster to the next.
Related: Think Being an Entrepreneur Means Never 'Working' a Day in Your Life? Think Again.
Like a theme park, there's a lot going on all the time. There are a lot of rides to choose from, bright lights and loud music, and distractions everywhere.
You don't go to ride a single ride. You also don't go to stand in the same line all day. You go to a theme park to ride as many rides as you can, and entrepreneurship is no different.
From one entrepreneur roller coaster to the next
You start small. Your first entrepreneur roller coaster may not be one of the big ones. The wait in line isn't as long, and the ups and downs aren't as intense. But it's still fun, and there's still a lot to fear.
However, as an entrepreneur, you create new heights. You want to climb new mountains and overcome new challenges. So as soon as one roller coaster ends, you get in line for the next.
Maybe life becomes normal for a while, as you wait and grab some food. But soon you're back on the ride, this time faster, higher and more intense.
You reach the top, terrified but excited. And you promise this is it. Once this roller coaster ends, you'll go play a few games and take it easy.
Once it does end, you crave more. You miss the adrenaline and excitement.
So what do you do? You get back in line, ready for your next entrepreneur roller coaster.
There are just too many rides at this theme park not to. This is why you are here. You could have stayed at home, but you bought the ticket so you could ride as many rides as you can.
Don't fight it. The secret is to find excitement in the normal, and to enjoy all the rides, all the time!
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How to ride the entrepreneur roller coaster forever
I meet people all the time who complain about the entrepreneur roller coaster. They think it will end once they reach seven figures or build a team or achieve this success or that ...
It never ends! The key is to switch your mindset so you can enjoy the ride -- whether you're standing in line, on a big roller coaster or small, or taking a break as you grab a drink.
The most successful entrepreneurs I know enjoy the process each step of the way. They have a vision and big goals, but they don't live for the destination -- they enjoy the journey. They grow from it, always striving to be the best version of themselves as they can.
Everything you do, each and every day, is for the development of you. It's scary and hard, but you don't get to enjoy a day at the theme park if you stay at home.
Who you are right now is because of everything you have gone through.
Your life, up to this point, has been the theme park of you. You have ridden roller coasters the entire time. It's made you who you are, and the entrepreneur roller coaster you're on right now (and all the ones you will ride in the future) is part of who you are. Enjoy the ride as best you can -- all the ups and downs, waiting in line and everything in between.
But I get it. At the time, this is hard. Not long ago, I found myself $750,000-plus in debt, on a roller coaster where I could see no light at the end of the tunnel. But the ride came to an end, and as I look back, I realize it made me who I am.
A year ago, I blew up my business (that generated $300,000-plus per month) because I wasn't happy with who I was or the business I built. Again, I saw no light at the end of the tunnel. But that particular entrepreneur roller coaster led me to meet my future wife, my current CEO, and build an eight-figure business that now has a team of 40-plus talented people.
When you're on the ride, it's okay to be scared. Just know that it's the ride that makes all "this" so exciting, and it's living life inside your theme park that makes you who you are.
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How to enjoy the entrepreneur roller coaster every single day
First, you need to accept the roller coaster you're on, and embrace the fact you're on it. You will spend the rest of your life living inside your theme park. The rides never end. There's always another roller coaster to try. You will always want to ride another one, because it's who you are.
So, right now, today ... accept this. Embrace it! Stop living life in the hope the roller coaster will end. Enjoy the journey you're on, whether you are up, down or waiting in line.
When you look back on your deathbed, you'll be glad you lived your life this way.