Act Now: This Doggy DNA Test Ships Free for the Holidays Order by December 8 and become the best dog owner you can be.
By Entrepreneur Store Edited by Jason Fell
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Every pet owner wants the best for their animal sidekick. They want to spend as much time as possible with them, even at the office. But being the best dog owner you can be isn't all about just being present. It helps to understand your dog on a genotypic as well as phenotypic level. That's one reason why doggy DNA tests have become so popular.
If you're wondering what to get for your pooch this holiday season, look no further than the DNA My Dog Breed Identification Test. If you order by December 8, you'll get free shipping, but that date is coming up fast so don't delay.
This simple, painless kit requires just a swab of your dog's cheek to get a detailed report delivered in two weeks or less. That report includes a custom photo certificate of the breed breakdown found in your dog's genetic breed composition, a percentage breakdown of the levels found in your dog's DNA, and a report on the dominant breeds, personality traits, and health concerns that your dog may be genetically predisposed to. All of that information will help you be a better friend to your dog, making smarter decisions about food, training, and healthcare.
The DNA My Dog Kit was awarded at the 2020 GHO Biotechnology Awards and user Bonnie H. writes, "I loved this experience!!! The kit came immediately with great instructions. The results came exactly when promised. When I couldn't open the attachment with the results, I emailed my concern and got instant help! To find out his DNA has been the coolest experience!"
Lock in free shipping on a unique gift for your dog by December 8. Grab the DNA My Dog Breed Identification Test on sale for 24% off $79 at just $59.99 now.
Prices subject to change.