Personal Finance - Page 10

Looking to boost your bank account? Discover our personal finance advice from navigating loans to ways to earn passive income and fund side hustles.

Business News

Are We In a Recession? How You Can Prepare

In the past year, economists have repeatedly predicted a recession in the U.S. The economy, however, has proven to be extremely resilient. Despite sometimes being shaky, the economy has repeatedly...

Business News

Refinance and Rejoice: A Simple Guide of Saving Thousands on Your Mortgage

It is possible to save money and achieve your long-term goals through mortgage refinancing. Taking advantage of favorable market conditions and understanding the refinancing process is an effective way to...

Business News

When Should You Take Out a Personal Loan?

A personal loan is a lump sum of money you can borrow from a financial institution and slowly repay with regular monthly payments plus interest. Most banks, credit unions, and...

Business News

10 of the Best Low-Risk and High Return Investments Right Now (2023 and Beyond)

Not to fearmonger. But, the U.S. could be headed for a recession in 2023 due to high inflation and an increase in interest rates by the Federal Reserve. Thankfully, by...

More Posts on Personal Finance

Business News

25 Things Frugal People Do (That You Aren't Doing and Should!)

Frugality is not a dirty word, even though it’s gotten a bad rap. Why? There is a misconception that being frugal means being cheap. However, that’s not really true. Rather,...

Business News

Loans 101: A Graduate's Guide to Taking Out and Paying Off Loans

Most of us understand the basics of loans already. You need a certain amount of money, so someone lends it to you, and you eventually pay them back with interest...

Business News

Tips for Teaching Your Children About Money

Money is a foundational part of our lives. But it's also a subject many children are expected to understand intuitively just by watching their parents when they're young. The result...

Business News

8 Easy Things Every Young Adult Should Do To Save Money

Everyone wants enough money to do the things they like. Sometimes that requires us to do a bit of planning. Sometimes it means doing tedious stuff we'd rather not. Young...

Business News

California Freelancing: How AB5 can change the freelancing game?

The gig economy is booming, and there's no denying that traditional workers are inching toward this independent lifestyle. Being a freelancer or independent worker, you love celebrating your free-flowing income...

Business News

How to Keep Track of Multiple Credit Cards

Credit cards can be the best tool to help you rank up your credit, earn rewards, and increase spending power. If you have multiple credit card accounts, you can get...

Business News

Dark Truths of Financial Independence Nobody Tells You

There is no greater personal finance goal than financial independence. After all, quitting your job, traveling the world, and living as you please is what many people dream of. But,...

Business News

How to Make Money Management a Blast (or At Least a Breeze)

Money management can be exhausting, intense, and stressful. But is it possible to make the experience fun? Despite the high stakes of the wealth generation world, you don't have to...

Business News

STOP Taking Finance Advice From BROKE "INFLUENCERS"

Nowadays, it’s impossible to avoid influencers. You’ll find them on TikTok, YouTube, and even your own inbox. There’s no shortage of advice they’d be happy to give you on everything...

Side Hustle

These Are the Fastest-Growing Side Hustles. No. 1 Is Something You Might Already Do.

Can't decide which side hustle to pursue? Consider 10 that are taking off in 2023.

Business News

Credit Card Cutback: Guaranteed Ways to Negotiate Lower Interest Rates and Pay Off Debt

There is no doubt that we have a credit card problem. A survey by GoBankRates found that 30% of Americans have debt up to $5,000 on their credit cards, 15%...