10 Twitter Accounts Every Entrepreneur Should Be Following For those entrepreneurs looking to get a little inspiration in short, succinct bits, follow these people on Twitter.
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Looking for the latest in tech? Or perhaps some inspiration to get your day jump-started? With the start of a new year comes a great opportunity to do some spring cleaning and clean up the clutter. What better way to simplify life than getting your words of wisdom in 140 characters?
If you're new to Twitter or just looking to freshen your feed up a bit this year, here are ten people you should be following.
James Altucher
Author and blogger
Blunt honesty and great motivation are served up daily from James Altucher. He offers up practical ways to live what he calls, "the daily practice" of developing a well-balanced life as an entrepreneur. With a slew of book titles to his name and successful investment companies under his belt, Altucher has a refreshing banter of brutal honesty about his own insecurities and struggles. It's great to see a success story that can be honest about all the failures that led him here.
Jack Dorsey
Co-founder of Twitter and founder of Square
Aspiring entrepreneurs today have access to mentors like never before with the prevalence of social media. And who better to follow than the co-founder of Twitter? Dorsey's micro-blogging platform offers you the opportunity to hear from him daily and even send or ask questions. He may not have the bandwidth to answer, but you have a chance to connect with an incredibly successful entrepreneur who keeps innovating. That's priceless.
Tim Ferriss
Author, TV Host and lifestyle expert
Ferriss is a compulsive tweeter and shares the kind of cool insights you'd expect from the lifestyle-design guru who brought you The 4-Hour Workweek. There is plenty here to keep you motivated and catch the fire that seems constantly lit under Ferriss. With travel, tech and inspirational tweets coming all day long, his updates are tweets you'll love seeing in your feed updates.
Tony Hsieh
Author and CEO of Zappos
You have probably already read about some of Hseih's unorthodox hiring practices at his online retail company Zappos. He is a modern day thought alchemist. I mean any guy that's going to pay you NOT to take his job offer has enough of a contrarian thought process that I'm fascinated to learn more. It's only through deconstructing the world that you can build it back up again sometimes. He doesn't tweet often but when he does, it's worth checking out.
Jillian Michaels
Personal Trainer and fitness-guru entrepreneur
There's something about Michaels. Maybe it's her no-nonsense approach of turning a hellacious workout into a therapy breakthrough or her motivating way of telling you to fight back for your own life. Whatever it is, she is a Twitter must. She updates often, interacts a lot and has plenty of upbeat advice to get you off the chair and moving around.
Seth Godin
Founder of Squidoo and author
Godin has a beautiful mind. His books make you think his approach to marketing is fresh and his blog is filled with short nuggets of thought gold. His Twitter handle is no exception. It provides daily thought igniters, along with inspiring blog post updates.
Pat Flynn
Author and podcast host of Smart Passive Income
Flynn's tweets, like his podcast, are a must follow. As a thought leader in online marketing, he offers up weekly guests that are on the leading edge of all kinds of industries and he has great strategies for finding smart passive income. It's honest, no hype and includes lots of daily updates about the podcast, marketing and more.
Jane McGonigal
Author, gamer and blogger
McGonigal is a gamer, designer and author of the New York Times Bestseller, Reality is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better. She frequently tweets about personal passions, interacts on a regular basis with her followers and shares some innovative tech-related ideas and news (including of course updates on gaming). Gamification is a growing market sector that doesn't always get as much coverage as some other tech niches. Following a woman who knows is informative and enjoyable.
Ali Brown
Entrepreneur and CEO of Ali International, LLC
Hailed by Business New Daily as the "Entrepreneurial guru for women," Brown has made an incredible mark. Although she specifically focuses her programs to motivate and mentor women entrepreneurs, there's plenty to learn from Brown on how to be a total rock-star for both genders. She offers lots of resources, tips, inspiration and advice on her active Twitter feed.
Gary Vaynerchuk
Author, entrepreneur and CEO of Vayner Media
Vaynerchuk's enthusiasm and hustle are the kind of highly contagious things you actually want to catch. Even with over one million followers, Gary interacts with fans, gives great advice and updates and shares plenty of personal passion. He's on Twitter a lot and there's always something to learn from or chuckle at when you've got his tweets filtering into your feed.