How to Protect Your Cryptocurrency Holdings (Infographic) If you're planning to invest in the volatile and risky market, be smart about it.
By Rose Leadem
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

With cryptocurrency growing in popularity, you may want get a cut. But you have to be smart about investing your money in something so risky and volatile.
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As of August 2017, more than $225 million worth of cryptocurrency was stolen, according to research compiled by CryptoGo, a cryptocurrency exchange. In 2013, the total amount of stolen Bitcoin was valued at $3 million, and in 2016 this number reached a whopping $95 million. Phishing, exploitation of software and storage and hacks are the top three ways cryptocurrency is stolen.
So what can you do to prevent yourself from becoming a victim? For starters, do your research on the type of cryptocurrency you wish to invest in. It's also important to investigate exchanges and storage methods, so you can figure out how to best protect your money. Using antivirus software and multi-factor authentication codes are also things you can do to protect yourself.
Related: 4 Pros and Cons of Investing in New Cryptocurrencies
To learn more, check out CryptoGo's infographic below.