If You're Working on a Long Creative Writing Project, You Might Need Scrivener Scrivener is trusted by best-selling authors and writing professionals.
By Entrepreneur Store Edited by Jason Fell
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There comes a time in every entrepreneur's life when they're ready to share their story and cultivated knowledge with the world. When that time comes, you're not going to want to write your magnum opus in Microsoft Word. The world's great authors and writers simply don't use Microsoft Word to write books. They use Scrivener.
To understand the value of Scrivener, all you have to do is check out their testimonials from hundreds of professional writers. It's far more than a word processor. Scrivener is a project management tool that guides you through your first inkling of an idea, all the way through your final draft. It doesn't tell you how to write; it just provides everything you need to start and keep writing until that final page.
Scrivener is tailor-made for long writing projects. It acts like a ring binder so you can gather your material and easily flick between different parts of your manuscript, notes, and references to make your ideas more cohesive. With the scrivenings mode, you can put together disparate pieces of your writing and edit them together as part of a single document. If you're struggling with the fine points, you can take a step back with corkboard and outliner features to build an overview or synopsis, arrange drafts, move around ideas, and much more. You can even view working documents side by side.
Scrivener is far and away the preferred tool of best-selling authors, novelists, and writing professionals who need to work on longform projects. If you're ready to work on a long project yourself, it's time to invest in Scrivener. Get a lifetime subscription to Scrivener 3 for Mac today for 38 percent off $49 at just $29.99.
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