Star Wars + Drones = Dreams Come True When every day humans can make the Millenium Falcon fly, that's a good thing.
By Jason Fell

Put down the business plan for a moment and get ready to geek out.
By now you're almost definitely familiar with drones, those gadgets that fly through the air thanks to mini helicopter propellers. Now, what if you could modify said drones to make them look like our favorite spaceships from Star Wars?
Oh, it's happening -- and not in a galaxy far, far away.
Related: What the Heck Are Drones Good For, Anyway?
Take this example from hobbyist Adam Woodworth. He turned a quadcopter drone into a flying 74-Z Imperial speeder bike. The scout trooper figurine and Star Wars theme music are added for good measure. And, yes, it's even equipped with a forward-facing camera.
Here's the video:
Related: Look Ma, No Hands: Drones You Can Pilot With Your Mind
As you might imagine, Woodworth isn't the only Star Wars-obsessed drone hobbyist. Another person called Oliver C previously modified a custom Prophecy 335 quadcopter into a radio-controlled Millenium Falcon. This clip might even have you daydreaming of the rebel alliance's hasty evacuation from Hoth in Star Wars Episode V:The Empire Strikes Back:
And then there's the drone-turned-TIE Interceptor. Galactic Empire, eat your hearts out.
Disney, take note: Don't ditch the droids but definitely consider developing some Star Wars drones of your own.
OK now, back to work.
Related: Martha Stewart Is Way More Into Tech Than You Ever Realized