Are You Cut Out To Be A Homebased Business Owner? If you have these key traits, you just might be.
To be a successful homebased business owner, you need to possesscertain personality characteristics. Here's a quick list:
- Be a self-starter. Nobody will be there to tell you whatto do or when to do it. Getting the job done is entirely up toyou.
- Be disciplined. Learn to avoid the distractions ofworking at home and to concentrate on the job at hand.
- Be an excellent time manager. Know how to manage yourtime so you can complete all the necessary tasks withoutinterfering with your family life.
- Be organized. Keeping track of customers, orders andprojects is essential to homebased success.
- Enjoy working alone. In a homebaased start-up business,other colleagues won't be around to help with projects,brainstorm ideas or shoot the breeze.
Excerpted from Starting a Homebased Business(EntrepreneurPress)