Social Media Marketing: Page 10

Social Media

3 Ways to Authentically Brand Yourself as Customer Friendly

Three strategies to improve your customer experience and create a brand of CX excellence


5 Proven (and Simple) Tips for Entrepreneurs to Avoid Social Media Burnout

Learn five practical and easy-to-follow tips for entrepreneurs to avoid burnout from social media.

Social Media

How to Write a Winning Sales Script with ChatGPT

Though ChatGPT is extremely user-friendly, you need to understand how to structure a prompt for it to give you a script that goes beyond anything standard.


How to Make Your Higher Education Institution More Appealing to Prospective Students

College enrollment has been declining since 2010. Here are a few strategies to attract more prospective students to your institution.


The 4 Marketing Strategies Your Shopify Store Needs to Drive Traffic

A successful Shopify store is built on a solid marketing strategy. Read on if you want to discover the secrets of Shopify marketing.

Science & Technology

Elevate Your Social Media with the Alpha Z Pro Drone for $99.99

Take your business's social media presence to new heights with this drone.


Why Medical Practices Must Embrace Digital Marketing to Bring in More Patients

From self-diagnosing to looking up reviews, more patients use the internet to make health care decisions today. Successful medical practices must embrace digital marketing to bring in more patients — here's how.

Science & Technology

3 Ways AI is Changing How Startups Build Their Brand

AI is making major headlines and touting more and more use cases in 2023. Here are three ways in which startups can leverage AI to build a brand that stands out.

Business News

3 TikTok Trends Brands Should Pay Attention To

Trends on TikTok shift as quickly as they begin, and content creators must stay agile and on top of what's hot if they hope to make money from their profiles. Here are a few trends to pay attention to.


6 Powerful Brand Storytelling Tips For Marketers

Using storytelling as a marketing tool effectively engages a target audience and establishes a connection with them. The following six tips will help marketers tell compelling stories that impact their bottom line.

Social Media

Will ChatGPT Become Another Race to the Bottom in Marketing?

ChatGPT may be entering into a lasting category of functionality that marks its creation as a watershed moment.

Social Media

From Dog Pictures to Art Memes, Here's What to Learn From the Social Media Tactics of Major Museums

To run a more creative social media campaign, follow these five social media tactics from world-famous museums.


7 Predictions for How Brands Will Use Virtual Influencers to Connect With Consumers in 2023

Here are seven predictions for how brands will harness the power of virtual influencers in 2023.

Social Media

6 Social Media Content Strategies That Will Transform You From An Unknown to a Trusted Authority

Establishing yourself as an expert on social media can be daunting, but it is possible with the right content strategy and dedication.


The Unexpected Rise of Micro-Influencers and Their Impact on Marketing

Here's how micro-influencers were able to make a place of their own in the digital space