Jeff Shore


Jeff Shore, of Shore Consulting, is a sought-after sales expert, speaker, author and consultant whose latest book, Be Bold and Win the Sale: Get Out of Your Comfort Zone and Boost Your Performance, was published by McGraw-Hill Professional in January 2014.

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To Be a Better Salesperson Be a Nicer Person

People buy from people they like, and nobody likes anybody who isn't nice.

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3 Good Questions for the Non-Salesperson's Sales Process

Find out where your customer is, where they need to be, then get them there.

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3 Deal-Killing Strategies That Make Your Customers Walk Away

Developing a strategy that is customer-centric will help you close the deal.


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Understanding why you put off certain tasks is key to breaking your procrastination habit.

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Here's Your Next Move When Your Customer Says 'No'

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10 Quotes Every Entrepreneur Should Know and Live By

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