Peter S. Cohan
Peter Cohan is president of Peter S. Cohan & Associates, a management consulting and venture capital firm. He is the author of Hungry Start-up Strategy (Berrett-Koehler, 2012) and a full-time visiting lecturer in strategy at Babson College in Wellesley, Mass.
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5 Essentials for Maximizing Results From Seed Capital
The founder's primary job is stretching those first funds to afford a team, a prototype and a marketing plan.
Full Speed Ahead? The 7 'Icebergs' That Sink Most Startups.
Successful businesses have cash to hire skilled employees to serve a known market. It's remarkable how often founders overlook those basics.
An Accomplished Sales CEO Shares 5 Success Principles
Sales, with all of its frustrations and rewards, is at the heart of every business.
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Those ultra-rare companies that grow from idea to $1 billion enterprise all go through a similar merciless process.
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Two graduates of the esteemed Harvard School of Business have divergent views on leadership principles.
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A Chicago packaging company shows how commitment to its employees and customers has fueled astronomical growth.
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