Are You a Goal-Setter or a Visionary? Entrepreneur Network partner Patrick Bet-David talks about the differences between these types of entrepreneurs and the implications of being one or the other.
Although often used interchangeably, having a vision and setting goals are vastly different approaches to entrepreneurship. In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Patrick Bet-David distinguishes between the two and gives tips on how to proceed after characterizing yourself as a goal-setter or a visionary.
According to Bet-David, goal-setting is the short-term option. It involves taking concrete steps and setting deadlines. Alternatively, a vision is indefinite and does not have clear steps. Visionaries think in terms of the big picture and imagine what they want success to look like far in the future.
For either of these types of entrepreneurs to be successful, it is imperative that they team up with someone who prefers the opposite mindset. For any goal-setter to accomplish something worthwhile, they must be working toward a vision. For a visionary to fulfill their vision, they must surround themselves with goal-setters who are able to help them complete the necessary steps.
Click play to find out which type you are.
Watch more YouTube videos from Bet-David on his channel.
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