Security Hack: Why You Need to Update Your iPhone Right Now Apple issues a patch to fix a dangerous security flaw in iPhones and iPads.
By Reuters
This story originally appeared on Reuters

Apple issued a patch to fix a dangerous security flaw in iPhones and iPads after researchers discover a prominent UAE dissident's phone was targetted with a previously unknown method of hacking.
IPhone users across the world can let out a collective sigh of relief. Apple confirms its found a fix for its security scare -- issuing a patch sealing the flaw on its iPhones and iPads.
The security breach, which is able to infect the most current of iPhones, was discovered earlier this month.
"It is worrying that this has happened and certainly I think consumers are going to be very sensitive to this sort of news in the coming years." says senior FX strategist for Rabobank Jane Foley.
Ahmed Mansoor, a human rights activist from the United Arab Emirates, was the target, receiving a text message inviting him to click on a web link. He didn't take the bait. Instead he forwarded the message to security experts who discovered a rare type of software which if installed would become a digital spy.
The researchers believe the spyware was created by NSO Group -- an Israeli company who sells its software to governments.
Apple has urged customers to update their software immediately.