#4 Key Tips To Attract and Retain Top Millennial Talent One effective way to retain millennial talent is to continuously encourage them to reach the next level
By Nidhi Singh
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
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The millennial generation is the backbone of any company. This generation tends to have the maximum enthusiasm which boosts productivity and drives efficiency in the workplace. However, attracting and retaining top millennial talent is one of the biggest challenges faced by companies today.
Entrepreneur India lists out a few tips for companies to attract and retain the new millennial talent.
Give Them Goals Instead of Tasks :
Millennial talent brings in a dose of freshness to the team.
According to Tarunjeet Rattan, Managing Partner, Nucleus PR agency, one key essential point to retain talent is to continuously encourage them to reach the next level.
"If they believe in your goals and is in alignment with that of theirs, they would want to work with you. While attracting them is one thing, retaining them is a totally different ballgame. To retain this kind of talent, it is important to continuously encourage them to reach the next level. Instead of giving them tasks, give them goals. Show them the larger picture and help them understand that what they do makes a difference in the whole scheme of things," said Rattan adding that the office environment and work-life also matters to them. So, the work policies and culture should encourage and enhance both.
Chart a Growth Pattern for Each Individual:
With every generation that enters and frowns within the workforce, there are some innate things that stand out.
Varun Duggirala, Co-founder and Content chief, The Glitch emphasized an organization needs to understand the abilities of each individual and chart a growth pattern for them. It's not a factory system anymore.
"The term work-life balance is passé, in today's world, it's all about having the flexibility of organizing your life in the most optimal manner to be productive on all ends of it. And companies which get that have employees for life. A company also needs to have a deep sense of empathy flowing through it. People need to feel like the company cares for them, understands their individual personal needs and most importantly hears their voice at all times," shared Duggirala.
Have a Digital Presence:
Millennials are today the talk of the town, with the entire world rushing to weigh in on and highlight their varied problems and issues with employment, careers, and more.
Natasha Dave, Head Talent, Mindshare India believes the success mantra to manage millennial is not to impose restrictions on them or control their every move, as they will not stay on at a job solely to reflect stability on the resume or to earn the gratuity.
"Millennials are a restless bunch of individuals who constantly look for instant gratification. As such, organisations need to be proactive in taking the time to understand their career aspirations, goals, and dreams, and then sharing with them a step by step growth plan, making them partners in defining their careers. For a company, today, it is as important to strengthen its digital presence for its clients and consumers as it is to make sure that prospective employees know it as a brand," said Dave.
She feels a lack of digital presence often makes millennials wary about applying for a job at a particular organization.
Make Employees Feel Heard:
Aditya Shah, Founder, Juno's Pizza feels millennials today are looking for opportunities that go beyond than just monetary growth. They are hungry to learn and grow in knowledge at work. They strongly desire to play an integral part in decision making.
"They work with organizations that provide the scope to contribute towards the success of the company that makes them feel like they are heard. At our company, millennials contribute 95% of our workforce and we strongly believe that our success is incomplete without them. Our policies are designed to provide employees with interactive training modules which help them to learn from their seniors as well as each other. Our open door policies grant us the opportunity to learn from the suggestions of our young talent. We also regularly host recreational activities that keep them engaged," said Shah