How Game Of Thrones' Plot And Entrepreneur's Life Are Almost Same Every GOT characters wants to sit on the throne, while every entrepreneurs wants their startup to stand out from the crowd.
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Lannisters, Targaryens, Baratheons, and Starks. Did you just get goosebumps? Well, to many, it would certainly do because it sounds like Apple Inc., Microsoft, Tesla Motors, Accenture, Starbucks, FOX, Rolex, Porsche, etc.
Thanks to George R R Martin, D B Weiss, Vanessa Taylor, David Benioff and several honorable writers who scripted the epic dialogues in the television show "Game of Thrones', just as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Clarence DeLany, Gordon Bowker, Darryl Zanuck, Alfred Davis, Ferdinand Porsche build an empire.
A show where Kings, Queens, children fall unexpectedly like a pawn in the chess. People can now even learn Dothraki (to comprehend what the Thronians are saying) from a new app from Random House. Today, Entrepreneurs are making mobile app on Media and Entertainment, Life Style mobile apps and last but not the least shopping mobile apps to lure their customers.
Then they call themselves "The AppEntrepreneur'. Sounds cool enough. All the characters name, their real name and realm's name are crammed by the GOT lovers. Ask them anything in their sleep and they will tattle
Their Common Thing
A) Do you find anything in common? Well, GOT is a show where Kings and Queens play their games with caution and in the real life, entrepreneurs step their foot in the competing non-fiction world. Every GOT characters wants to sit on the throne, while every entrepreneur wants their startup to stand out from the crowd.
B) No matter what happens to the character or the plot, viewers just love this show irrespective to the paradoxical climaxes, fantabulous fantasies, assassinations, forced rituals, freaking battle scenes, tentative tragedies and sexual escapades. Same is the case with these Entrepreneurs, people follow them, listen to their stories (good or bad), imitate their robust strategies, and wish to rule the market like them.
C) Talking about the crazy fan, they make empirical theories of white walkers and dragons, post it on Reddit and discuss it so seriously that even their college professors would give them an "A' for the dedication and detailed analysis. Same is the case with Emerging Entrepreneurs. They make strategies, plans, speculations and what not. This is becoming interesting as Not-so-GOT Fans and Entrepreneurial by personality will absolutely start to watch the Epic TV show.
D) You will probably be intrigued by one strange thing that Entrepreneurs are always motivated by the Lyrics of the song. Be it "Not Afraid' of Eminem, "Hall of Fame' of The Script, "Remember The Name' of Fort Minor. The words are the ultimate thing. It feels so right, cool, soothing, relaxed when you listen to that song.
Well, now it looks like these have much more similarities than James Bond and an Entrepreneur.
E) Words are Worth for Them !Game of Thrones is the showcase of an imaginary universe where swordplay of words is as dauntless as war. Resuscitation, Rehabilitation, Resurrection, Reincarnation, and Resurgence are not exaggerated words for this show and it won't be. While with the entrepreneurs, inspiration, insightfulness, incandescence, impeccability and invention are not overinflated words in their mundane affairs. Pitching the newest concept, giving TED talks, presenting fresh product, etc. involves word-game too. We are slowly approaching towards the conclusion. Let's get it in a poetic manner so it becomes easy to snaffle to head and heart.
The show is specifically showing leadership skills and that is why women conceive to be Melisandre, Cersei, Arya and Khalisi while men wish to be Jon Snow, Petyr Baelish, Jaime, and Tyrion. In a very interesting way, the two is compared so as to comprehend the difficult Entrepreneur's itinerary.
Let's explain it in a distinctive and lyrical way. Here's how they are same:
Where layman are slaves, and dwarf is a leader
Seriously? People who aren't leaders are just another people who work under them [Leaders]. Dwarf is a metaphor here that implies that even if you are devoid of some capabilities, but if you have something matchless to show it to the world then people will make you sit on the throne. Off the topic; that's why Tyrion is dominant in the show.
Where realm falls like cards, and cardholders are deceived
If the startup isn't equipped with unique ideas and implementation, then it will certainly fall today or tomorrow no matter how strong the foundation is. Cardholders are other competitors, watching them, analyzing their business, and sometimes replicating them.
Where one minute it's rise, and the other minute it's fall
Today, the startup gets funding while the next day it might collapse. We are aware of such thousands of emerging entrepreneurs thriving to seize the market but falls apart. It's a game of consistency and durability; how far you can go and how long you can sustain.
Where ego is a bad habit, and dependency is worst
When entrepreneurs sit on top [for short time], they may be egoist but they aren't mindful about the dependencies he/she has. Co-founder, VCs, employees support them unconditionally and Entrepreneur should never forget that. Several GOT characters have been brutally murdered just because of their ego and the dependency on others. Remember Joffrey Baratheon.
Where Money is not prosperity; but it's a reputation
Millions, Billions turn over has become a child's game. Nevertheless, the reputation has maintained its supremacy. It's the recognition, applause and acknowledgment that entrepreneurs are looking for nowadays. You must have GOT's Varys in mind. You bet you are right.
Where some are oath keeper, and some are oath breaker
GOT's episode "OathBreaker" was admired by the fans. Yes, indeed here we talk about the leaders who keeps (OathKeeper) their ethics with them (where they go), while the hustle-bustle also misguides some entrepreneurs to break the values and morals of business. Looks alike? Yes, me too.
Where few are born to rule, and many craves for ladders
Undoubtedly, few have entrepreneurial skills since their childhood is passed in critical circumstances. But. Some are not born entrepreneurs but they take that "Inside Skill' Outside though seeking support of others but eventually they sit on top. Remember Daenerys Targaryen and Ramsay Bolton.
Where angels don't visit often; but witches sojourns frequent
Yes, here it comes. The "Angels'. Valid and Vital for both of them. "Angel Investment' for Entrepreneurs and an "Angel' (savior) for GOT's virtual crowd.
That is one "Heaven-of-an-Elixir-box', isn't it?
The viewers are increasing and the fan base is progressing to the sky. They feel exquisite pleasure when they are sitting at their TV or laptops, holding the remote control in hand, pin drop silence in the room, trying to totally immerse them, being any protagonist or antagonist, and waiting for their favorite ones to utter their words.
Recalling some of the heroic lines:
Tyrion Lannister: It's not easy being drunk all the time. If it were easy, everyone would do it.
Arya Stark: Nothing isn't better or worse than anything. Nothing is just nothing.
They aren't almost same; they are same. In a mathematical language, Limit tends to Same.
Adding More Feathers To The Cap
Chronologically, Historically, Mathematically, Biologically and the most important Psychologically, Entrepreneur's Life and Game of Thrones' Plot almost justifies "Law of Similarity'.
This article is highly inspired by Quora QA session (Full Post) on "What if Game of Thrones Theme Song has Lyrics?' and the answer given by Bhavik Sarkhedi aka "The Weak Point Dealer'. Let's put a foot into the other scintillating side- the Writer's side, as he specifically dedicates this #FanAnthem to the Game of Thrones' fans across the world.
"Somehow, this fellow has managed to include every emotions, character's notion, and macrocosm of GOT."
Bonus Result
"Game of Thrones' has a theme song. Right? Does it have any lyrics? You bet your "Aesthetics', it doesn't! Its Aficionado is enthusiasts as Marvel, DC and Star Trek fans. Fans try to fill that void by making a variety of versatile songs; it's not something they can help. (Cons of watching too much GOT. Got it?) There have already been many covers played by different instruments to consecrate their love for Game of Thrones. It's all about the "Game of Words', isn't it? The dialogues, scripts, and finally the lyrics.
Well, going back to GOT Theme Song Lyrics, doesn't it feel right when you read every single line written by Bhavik Sarkhedi, one Krazzy fan (as he believes) who devoted these "Words' to the theme song on Quora (Guess, Mr. Martin takes this into account and revalue it). Even in Bhavik Sarkhedi's Interview and Profiles, he mentioned that he is GOT Fan and obviously, he is striving to be an inspiring Entrepreneur. Again, a common thing between Game of Thrones and Entrepreneur. Why always a Guitarist or a band whose YouTube video gets viral?
As an applaud and his request to "contribute', here are few "Where words'..
- Where dead men come hunting, and the living run
- Where rulers are temporary; but monsters are permanent
- Where dragon dances, and crow gets feast
- Where winter scares, and summer never shows
- Where Gods have many form, and a girl has no name
And not to mention, I am an Entrepreneur and GOT Devotee.