Featured Opportunities - Page 3


See Who Made This Year's Franchise 500 Hall of Fame

Looking to buy an A-list franchise? These brands have been the strongest for the longest.


Don't Have Time to Start a Business? This Doctor, Lawyer and Now Part-Time Franchisee Would Disagree.

Dr. Shania Seibles understands the dedication required to meet big goals, achieving her dream of becoming a physician while adding a law degree along the way. Now, she's venturing into the world of entrepreneurship.


From Drones to IT, These Franchises are Redefining Tech and Transforming the Future

Discover the opportunities and benefits of five innovative tech franchises leading the charge in reshaping our digital future.


Your Passport to Success — 5 Tourism-Related Businesses for the Aspiring Entrepreneur

If you are an aspiring entrepreneur looking to join the travel franchise world, buckle up.

More Posts on Featured Opportunities


Free Webinar | February 7: Decoding Franchise Success: Finding Your Hottest Fit

Join our webinar on February 7th as our expert shatters common myths surrounding franchise ownership and unveils the simple truths that will lead you to business success and personal happiness. Register now!


Beat the Chill With These Top Winter-Friendly Business Opportunities

From outdoor gear to indoor ski facilities, snow and ice control to chimney sweeping services, discover how these winter-focused franchises offer stability in all seasons.


Free Webinar | January 23: How to Pick a Winning Franchise in 2024

Join our free webinar to learn how to find your perfect franchise. With a combined 50+ years of experience in the franchise industry, our panelists will share everything you need to know to make the best choice possible. Register now!


These 5 Companies Foster Loyalty and Success by Turning Exceptional Employees Into Business Owners

Explore how these brands prioritize internal talent, empowering employees to become successful franchisees and fostering loyalty within their organizations.


Franchise vs. Independent Business? 12 Experts Weigh the Options

Is franchising right for you? These industry pros discuss the proven benefits of joining an established brand instead of starting a concept from scratch.


Start a Lucrative Side Hustle in the Booming Pet Industry With These 5 Pet-Related Businesses

Pair your love for animals with these franchise concepts to make extra money.


From Ham to Desserts to Getaways, These Businesses Boost Thanksgiving Cheer

From delicious turkey dinners to holiday-spirit snacks and shipping services, these franchises are ideal for Thanksgiving and other holidays.


The 10 Hottest Trends in Franchising

If you're looking to buy a franchise, start with this list. We break down 10 of the industry's hottest trends, and more than 400 brands to choose from.


Get in the Game By Exploring the Top Pickleball Franchises for Entrepreneurs

Pair your love for the sport and your entrepreneurial spirit with these five franchise concepts.


The 6 Key Metrics Successful Franchise Restaurants Use to Measure Potential

Here are six metrics that top franchise restaurants use — that you can use as well — to determine the potential of a new project and whether it's worth their time.


Franchise Legalese Defined — A Deep Dive Into Franchising Definitions

Before you can decide if you should franchise, find out exactly what you're getting yourself into.