4 Ways to Get Your Blog Moving With Video Video is the new image that, happily, you can easily incorporate to increase traffic and sales.
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NEWSFLASH: Video is not going anywhere. Okay, so maybe that's not a newsflash.
Video is just getting bigger, particularly in how it impacts your business. Whether you choose to shoot recorded video, go live on Facebook or perhaps Snapchat your audience, there's no doubt that video has the potential to change your business in a massive way.
However, a lot of people I speak to just don't see how video can be incorporated into their existing business model or blog. This is a completely valid hesitation, considering we are all strapped for time, and it sparked my curiosity. What are the best ways for a blogger to use video on their blog to build their brand and business?
After some careful consideration, I've come up with four ways to incorporate video on your blog to help build your audience and grow your business.
Let's dive in.
1. Post a video on your "about" page.
Considering the majority of our communication is made up of body language, posting an "about" video is the perfect way for your audience to get to know you just a little bit better. Using video for your about page is the perfect way for bloggers, who sell things online, to build a rapport with their audience.
Make this video personal by showing aspects of your life and including fun facts your audience may not know about you. Let them be a part of your life because if you are selling something to your audience, and they learn to trust you as a result of videos like this, then you're more likely to increase your sales exponentially.
Plus it's a fun way to keep people on your blog for longer, increasing the SEO juices that Google uses for rankings. So make sure you have all your SEO stuff in order prior to posting the video.
2. Include video testimonials.
Word-of-mouth marketing is not new. It's been around for a long time. Leverage your happy customers, who you helped achieve their goals, by producing video reviews and testimonials. This can certainly help push people over the line when it comes to working with you or purchasing your product.
Related: Why You Need to Start Video Marketing Now
In addition to hosting the videos yourself, ask these same customers to share it with their network. They are likely to do so since you are featuring them. It's a win for both parties. Their friends will likely check out the video and you may find yourself with a bunch of new clients.
3. Embed videos in blog posts.
Don't underestimate the rise of live video. Facebook Live has shaken up the video scene, which used to be dominated by Periscope. The benefit to Facebook Live is that the videos don't just disappear. They stick around and the most exciting part is that you can embed them on your blog.
This is the perfect way to cross-promote and encourage readers to visit your Facebook Page, resulting in more likes. You can also embed videos from YouTube.
Related: 5 Reasons Businesses Should Focus on Creating Video Content
In my experience, I've found that embedding videos in blog posts increases the time that users spend on your blog, which significantly decreases bounce rates. This also means that your audience, if captivated by your video content, is also more likely to visit more posts and stick around on the site longer.
What's more, if you have a playlist on YouTube which is a mini-series or perhaps even a tutorial series, you are able to embed that playlist onto one of your pages, and use it as a hub for a free course for your audience. Again, this increases session duration and demonstrates your expertise within your niche.
4. Use Facebook video ads.
If you have the Facebook tracking pixel installed on your site, you can set up Facebook video ads to retarget recent visitors, and thank them for their visit. This is also the perfect time to invite them to like your page and stay connected.
Or, if you're selling a product, video ads are great for promoting said product after someone has visited your blog. It's about opening a marketing funnel and bringing people into your ecosystem.
Related: Leverage the Undeniable Power of Video Marketing on All Platforms
But aren't running ads expensive?
In some niches, yes. But from my experience, video ads can be extremely affordable. Sometimes you can even get video views for as little as $0.01. For a very small investment, you can tap into an audience who already knows you, making them more likely to engage and purchase from you in the future.
The use of video in business is only going to grow larger. As the tools and ability to post content becomes easier more entrepreneurs and bloggers will use video to build trust and authority with their audiences.
Now is the perfect time to hone your skills, and start using video on your blog to build up a rapport with your audience.