Free Webinar: How to Adapt Your Messaging to the Sudden Change in the Marketplace Join Neil Gordon, a communication consultant, as he discusses best practices when changing up your brand's messaging.
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With the COVID-19 scare changing the way we all do business only several weeks ago, established companies are now scrambling to adapt to a whole new and sudden shift in meeting customers' needs. And with existing offers already in place and ready to be sold, it can be tempting to simply make those same offers and hope for the best. But given how people are now buying for very different reasons, how is a company supposed to pivot their messaging without redoing their entire business model from scratch?
A brand is defined not by the offers it makes but the impact it has. And a successful pivot comes from the business's leaders having clarity around this underlying impact. When it does, they can adapt their messaging to address a different problem the customer now has but still make their original offer – or at least a slightly modified version of their original offer. Then, as they address this need in the short-term, they have the option to build out other offers as a part of a longer-term strategy.
Join Neil Gordon, a communication consultant who focuses on helping clients deliver compelling messages, as he discusses best practices when changing up your brand's messaging.
Attendees will learn:
- A simple exercise that teaches businesses how to go beneath the surface of their offers to define their impact
- A simple structure for crafting a powerful elevator speech/message in just a few sentences
- A few simple sentence stems that will help them to frame marketing copy, content for content marketing