How to Deal With Fake Negative Reviews (Infographic) Almost everybody reads online reviews. That's why it's vital to weed out the fakes.
By Rose Leadem
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Online reviews can make or break your business. If you've got poor negative reviews, you can almost certainly say goodbye to welcoming new customers. However, if you're receiving fake online reviews, there's something you can do about it.
Related: 5 Surefire Ways to Improve Your Site's Online Reviews
For starters, it's important to be able to differentiate between a fake and real review. Typically, fake reviews will have a vicious or even aggressive tone, and they'll also have general criticisms rather than specific ones. Authentic reviews usually provide specific reasons why they are writing reviews in the first place. If you click into a reviewer's profile and see other reviews they have posted including overly positive reviews for a competitor, this is a sure sign they are a phony.
The next best step to take is to report the reviewer to the website they posted on. This is one of the most critical steps to take in order to get that negative review fully removed. While you wait for the review to be removed, take action and respond to them. Respond professionally to the review, and offer a solution so other customers can see how serious you take the situation. Lastly, continue to monitor all of your reviews and respond accordingly. If you let a fake negative review slip through the cracks, it can cause major damage to your business.
Related: Online Reviews Are the New Social Proof
To learn more, check out Headway Capital's infographic below.