Is PPC or SEO Better for Driving Traffic to Your Website? Online marketing expert Rand Fishkin discusses the positives and the negatives behind both strategies.
By Jason Fell
Build it and they will come, right? Anyone who owns a website knows that's rarely the case. When it comes to driving traffic to your website there are at least two big options: pay-per-click advertising (PPC) and search engine optimization (SEO).
For the uninitiated, PPC refers to paying for traffic via advertising programs like Google Adwords. Programs like these enable you to display ads in search results within the sponsored results sections. SEO, on the other hand, refers to specific actions you take within your own site to naturally increase your visibility and ranking in search results.
But which is best for you site? Or should you be doing both?
In this short video, we chat with Rand Fishkin, founder of Seattle-based online marketing and SEO firm Moz. He discusses the positives and the negatives behind both strategies.
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SEO for Business Explained: A Conversation With Rand Fishkin