The 3 Marketing Hacks You Should Be Using to Quickly Grow Your Audience Marketing pro Noah Kagan will share easy-to-use marketing tricks to quickly increase traffic, snag more email subscribers and improve user experience.
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Editor's Note: In "Tough Love Tuesday," we connect side-hustling entrepreneurs with support, resources and advice from top experts. Sign up to our email newsletter to be notified about our Tuesday Facebook Lives and check back to our side hustle topic page for more helpful tips.
Without customers, you have no business. Plain and simple. But finding those people willing to pay for your product and creating a loyal tribe, doesn't just happen. It takes you, as an entrepreneur or side hustler, researching your target demographic, building a relationship with them, maintaining their loyalty and continually remain top of mind. It takes marketing.
But under this umbrella term, side hustlers get overwhelmed. There is so much to do -- too much -- that people's heads start to spin, causing them to either make mistakes or not take any action.
Related: To Get People to Really Want to Buy Your Product, You Must Focus on the 3 P's
To avoid this, you need to figure out the best marketing techniques for your business and dive in deep. Often these tactics center around growing your audience, nurturing them and building trust.
But figuring out what works can take time and some trial and error.
Fortunately, we have Noah Kagan to help us out. As employee 30 at Facebook and four at Mint, Kagan has worked at huge, iconic companies to help grow their user base through marketing strategies. Now, as the founder of Sumo and AppSumo, two sites focused on providing entrepreneurs simple marketing hacks to grow their business, he has more than 640,000 sites using his tools.
Related: Why You Need to Start Your Side Hustle Right Now
This multi-million dollar entrepreneur will show you the secret to building a large, enthusiastic customer base in our upcoming episode of Tough Love Tuesday, Entrepreneur's Facebook Live series that connects experts with side hustlers for real-time advice and support.
Specifically, he'll show you how to:
- Optimize your email opt-ins
- Take inventory of your website and tell you what works and doesn't
- Increase your traffic by examining your traffic sources.
Tune in on Oct. 10 at 1 p.m. ET for the Facebook Live.
This episode is the third in our second season of "Tough Love Tuesday." For six weeks, our experts will focus on side hustlers, providing support, resources and actionable advice, all in real time.