Want to Improve Office Morale? Recognize Good Work. (Infographic) Here are some of the best ways to acknowledge a job well done.
By Nina Zipkin

When it comes to office morale, people always appreciate being acknowledged for their hard work. Giving praise when praise is due can go a long way towards building a strong team and keeping employees engaged and satisfied with their work.
But according to a survey conducted by employment and staffing service OfficeTeam, when it comes to recognition, there can often be a disconnect between managers and their employees.
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While 89 percent of senior managers believe that their companies do a solid job of recognizing when their workers put forth a strong performance, 3 in 10 employees say their employers fail at recognizing their work.
And that disconnect can mean an office shakeup down the line. More than half of the workers polled said it was "likely they would leave their current position if they didn't feel appreciated by their manager."
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So what can managers do to better communicate feedback to their workers? Give specific and sincere praise -- it certainly doesn't have to be all the time, but make sure it isn't just once a year either. Reward your staff accordingly, and make sure you don't forget the people who are more "behind the scenes."
For more on what rewards employees are most interested in and recognition tips, check out the infographic below.
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