5 Tactics to Change Your Bad Mood Angry, sad or upset? Take five minutes to yourself and try out one of these strategies to combat your emotions.
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We've all been angry, sad or upset. But when these moods begin to dictate entire days, it's time to take a few minutes and turn it around.
Entrepreneur Network partner Patrick Bet-David discusses six quick ways to change your mood in five minutes or less in this video. Taking a walk, listening to your favorite song, watching a funny video -- these are a number of tactics he highlights.
Pulling in real-world examples, Bet-David reiterates the importance of a good mood. If you don't snap out of any bad feelings quickly, they'll go on to ruin your day, your week or even your entire month.
So when you're feeling angry or upset, take five minutes to yourself and try out one of these tactics.
Watch more YouTube videos from Bet-David on his channel and check out his new book Drop Out And Get Schooled.
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