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5 Ways Leaders Can Walk the Sustainability Talk (Without Just Greenwashing) Authentic leadership in sustainability inspires and engages teams to commit to environmental initiatives.

By Michael Fallquist Edited by Micah Zimmerman

Key Takeaways

  • Genuine leadership in sustainability inspires team engagement and commitment to environmental goals.
  • Clear communication and participation in goal-setting are crucial for authentic sustainable change.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Entrepreneurial leadership is all about personally setting an example. This is true for every business and industry. Still, it's important to understand that leaders are often viewed under a microscope, and people can view certain leadership styles as performative or inauthentic.

This is especially true when navigating social causes like sustainability. Prioritizing sustainability in the workplace is a great way to help the environment, but it must be practiced authentically.

In this article, I'll detail five strategies for engaging your teams in your sustainability efforts through genuine leadership in driving sustainable change.

Anyone can claim to be committed to positive environmental change, but it takes a well-thought-out and concerted effort to live up to the mission. These five strategies will help you inspire and motivate your team to engage in your organization's sustainability goals.

1. Encourage participation in goal-setting

Your employees want to be heard – they want to share their unique insights on your organization, and, more importantly, they want to know that you value those opinions enough to enact positive change. When setting goals, ensure that each team member is given the opportunity to share their thoughts and be sure to listen. When employees are actively engaged in goal setting, they are more likely to invest in the mission. They will champion your organization's goals, knowing they had an active role in inspiring change.

Related: 3 Key Steps to Becoming an Effective Change Leader

2. Communicate your vision

Follow up after your team has had an opportunity to participate in goal setting. Employees want to know that you've heard what they have to say and that their words will be put to good use. Without proper communication, you run the risk of losing momentum. To continue the conversation further, communicate each phase of the sustainability plan with your team. Lean into your team's insights to fine-tune the goals and how you'll communicate them with the rest of your organization. To keep everyone informed, offer timelines and discussion points in email updates, newsletters or social media.

Related: 4 Reasons Why Going Sustainable Will Benefit Your Business

3. Educate and encourage

Once you understand your organization's sustainability goals and how to execute them, encourage your team to learn more.

Create clear, informational material for employees to use in their day-to-day operations. This can be as simple as creating a small infographic listing your sustainability goals, hosting a monthly lunch-and-learn or updating your organization's desktop background to depict your sustainability mission. These small steps will keep your goals clear and reinforce a strong culture around sustainability.

4. Offer rewards for participation

One of the best ways to increase participation in any initiative is through incentive programs. Consider creating a recognition program that rewards employees for completing specific sustainable actions. This can include awards, bonuses or other incentives for demonstrating how they live out sustainability principles at work and beyond.

Not only will this inspire engagement, but it will also help ensure employees are accountable for their contributions to your team's overall objectives. Plus… who doesn't love competition?

Related: What Is Sustainability In Business?

5. Lead by example

I know I mentioned this above, but it cannot be overstated: If you truly want your team to take an active role in your organization's commitment to sustainability, you have to be genuinely invested. Prioritize your time so you're supporting your words with positive actions. That means actively participating in discussions, hosting and celebrating company initiatives, adopting sustainable practices – and sticking with them. Being transparent and making sustainability goals an extension of who you are as a leader will go a long way when inspiring your team.

The role of leadership in driving sustainable change

Committing to sustainable change in your organization has several benefits. In addition to protecting the environment, you're also creating opportunities to show that you are a thought leader, authentically dedicated to making the world a better place.

Doing so proves that you are a trusted partner, invested in their shared interests. This can generate positive sentiments around you and your business, leading to quality brand exposure, increases in revenue and better relationships with your business partners and consumers.

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Key takeaway

As entrepreneurs, we are uniquely positioned to lead the charge in our organizations. We set the tone for our teams and can use our platforms and influence to speak to important causes. When we go all-in for sustainability, it inspires teams to rally behind our efforts.

Team members are extensions of your business's mission, vision and values. When you demonstrate that you are a thoughtful leader who cares deeply about sustainable change, your team will see your authenticity through your actions and feel more invested in carrying out the mission at every level of the organization.

So put your best foot forward, listen to your team and start paving a path toward positive change!

Michael Fallquist

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor

CEO of Energywell

A visionary, leader achieved $400M IPO in 2012, orchestrated $500M acquisition in 2019, founded Viridian Energy, diverse experience in commodities, finance, and consulting, known for transforming enterprises and achieving success.

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