Drinking Lots of Coffee Could Be Making People Dumb, Study Claims Consuming too much caffeine? It could be hindering your success.
By Rose Leadem
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

While it might feel like that morning cup of Joe is helping you be more productive and successful every day, that might not be the case. At least according to recent research.
Related: Do You Drink More Coffee Than Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Other Creative Leaders?
The study by the blog Best Mattress Brand, which analyzed more than 1,000 college students, found that students who drank more coffee had lower GPAs than students who drank less of the caffeinated beverage. According to the data, students who didn't drink any coffee had average GPAs of 3.43, while those who consumed one cup of coffee every day had an average 3.41 GPA, those who consumed two had a 3.39 GPA and students who drank five or more had GPAs of 3.28.
While you may feel that coffee keeps you awake and alert, it can also be responsible for keeping you up at night. Consuming too much coffee can result in a lack of sleep, which ultimately affects a person's ability to form long-term memories. Students who get less sleep at night have lower GPAs, according to the study. Students who drank two or more cups of coffee daily averaged five to six hours of sleep every night.
Related: How Too Much Coffee Ruined My Health and Nearly Destroyed My Business
Of course, Entrepreneur is not advocating for you to completely kill your coffee habit -- in fact, drinking coffee has its own set of perks, from boosting happiness levels to reducing risks of heart disease. However, the study is a good reminder that it's also vital to get a good night's rest.