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How My Weight Is Hurting My Business My weight has affected my life and hurt my business. I am not the only entrepreneur dealing with this.

By Kimanzi Constable Edited by Dan Bova

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Justin Sullivan | Getty Images

I'm having one of those weeks when the truth hurts. I'm on vacation in Hawaii with my girlfriend. I used to live here but this is her first time experiencing how amazing is Hawaii. As a former resident, it's been my responsibility to show her all of the tourist attractions and fun things to do.

I wanted her to experience the island full, so I booked a helicopter tour. When they asked about our weights, I experienced a moment I've been far too familiar with -- I am about 30 pounds heavier than the maximum allowed weight. Ouch. After a moment of wishing I had Brad Pitt's body and could ride any helicopter that I wanted, I started to get real with myself.

Here's the thing -- not only has my weight affected my life, it's hurt my business and growth. What I mainly do is digital marketing consulting at large multinational corporations all over the world. I travel to 30+ countries a year for gigs. There have been more than a few occasions where my weight has been an issue.

It's been a mix of comments made, looks given, lack of confidence because of how I've felt about myself, not fitting into clothes, and a host of other weight-related issues. As I'm writing this, I know that I'm not the only entrepreneur dealing with theses kinds of situations. It may be hard to admit, but your weight could be affecting your business. Here are four ways how.

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It kills your confidence.

There is nothing more attractive than a confident person. And, attractive goes far beyond the romantic type of attraction. When you're confident you attract new clients, prospective business partners and even more people to your online audience. You won't be your most confident self when you're overweight -- how you look is always on your mind.

When you feel and look your best, you gain confidence that's attractive to everyone around you. You then use that confidence to boldly tell the world who you are and what you do. The world will listen because they'll see and feel what you're saying is real. Your confidence shining through will help your growth.

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It reduces your energy.

I'm preaching to the choir but this needs to be said. If you are dealing with weight issues, it's significantly reducing how much energy you have. You need energy to make it through each day as an entrepreneur. It's not rocket science determining what the advantages are of being in peak physical shape.

You already know this but what you may not realize is how much more you can accomplish with greater levels of energy. It takes a lot of everything to build a successful business. It takes more of you than you feel like you can give at times. You need energy in spades and the only way you'll get there is if your body is in its best shape.

Related: I Started Saying 'No' to These 6 Things. My Life and My Business Got a Lot Better.

It makes people hesitate about doing business with you.

People buy from entrepreneurs they know, like and trust. But, they also buy from entrepreneurs who are successful. To your potential customers, success means more than how much money you have. A successful entrepreneur is living a well-balanced life -- that is success in every single area.

With the access we have with social media, it's easy to see which entrepreneurs have that balance. We can see the real and not real. If you are overweight, I promise it's keeping some potential customers from doing business with you. Do the work to release that weight and watch your customer base grow.

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It's not the best you.

The strongest entrepreneurs are the ones who strive everyday to become the best versions of themselves. They strive for balance and success in each area of life. When you are overweight and don't do anything about it, you are not being the best you. As you become the best you -- which includes your best physical shape -- every area of your business will grow.

This is the time of year when entrepreneurs are thinking about goals and what they want to accomplish. As you think about your year, make it a goal and life mission to wake up each day challenging yourself in every part of your business and life.

Twice in my life I have lost more than 170 pounds. Each time was for an event. When the event was over, I gained the weight back and then some. In 2017, I lost 140 pounds. I'm still working hard each day to get toward my best physical shape. My determination to become the best version of myself is how I'll keep the weight off this time.

If you have been struggling with weight, let this article be your wake up call. Let it be the truth that hurts but gets you to take action. You only get one life to live. You have an opportunity within that life to create a business that gives you freedom and financial security.

Kimanzi Constable

Content Marketing Strategist

Kimanzi Constable is an author of four books and has been published in over 80 publications and magazines. He is the co-founder of Results Global Impact Consulting. He teaches businesses modern content strategies. Join him at RGIC.

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