What Your Handwriting May Reveal About Your Confidence, Creativity and Health (Infographic) How you dot your 'i's and cross your 't's can provide a window into your approach to business -- and beyond.
By Geoff Weiss
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

When it comes to graphology, or the study of how one's handwriting can divulge latent personality traits, analysts suggest paying special attention to the letters 'i,' 't,' 'o' and 's.'
Do you dot your 'i's with an open circle? According to the below infographic, created by the National Pen Company, you might be a child-like visionary. Short 't' crosses, on the other hand, can indicate laziness and a lack of determination, while closed-off 'o's tend to denote introversion and wide, cursive 's's suggest you might not be following your heart.
While the principles behind graphology can seem overtly obvious, and the field is often dismissed as a pseudoscience, believers suggest that handwriting analysis can even provide a glimpse into critical medical issues. Writing with varying pressure can be an indicator of high blood pressure, for instance, and erratically slanted letters can be a symptom of schizophrenia.
Related: This Handy Robot Holds a Pen and Writes Exactly Like You Do
For more tidbits, check out the infographic below:
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