Are You Living in a Digital Bubble? This Flowchart Will Tell You. (Infographic) If you agree with most of the opinions you read online, you could be in a 'filter bubble.'
By Carly Okyle
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

The internet is an example -- for better or worse -- of the freedom of expression. Yet, people find ways to insulate themselves on social media sites and elsewhere on the web.
People might unintentionally find themselves in a "filter bubble" -- that is, only reading and / or engaging with content that confirms their views and opinions. Consider, for instance, what sites you head to for news (besides Entrepreneur, of course), if you use anti-tracking software and the types of posts and comments you put online. All of these aspects of your digital life might be signs of being in a filter bubble.
The digital echo chamber can lead people to stop expanding their horizons and learning new information. Therefore, Hyper Island, a company that focuses on educational programs and courses as well as innovation consulting for companies, put together an infographic to help raise awareness of these filter bubbles. Check out the flowchart below to find out the level of insulation you experience online.