POLL: Are We All Idiots? Or Is Twitter Really Difficult to Use? To the surprise of many, some people find Twitter difficult to understand. Are hashtags really that confusing?
By Jason Fell

Hashtags. @ symbols. Picture tweets. ... For the casual web user, Twitter might seem like a nonsensical place where people share meaningless updates far too frequently.
But that's not true, is it? Isn't Twitter a fun, easy way to engage with customers, share updates about your company and stay up-to-date on news in real time?
During Twitter's fourth quarter earnings call, chief executive Dick Costolo said one of the reasons the company is experiencing slower user growth than expected is the tool's challenging design. Uh, for real?
Related: Investors Unnerved: Is Twitter Too Difficult to Use?
We took to another social-media tool, Facebook, to ask readers what they think of Twitter. The results, to some peoples's surprise, was mixed.
So, let's make it official. Tell us what you really think about Twitter in the poll below.
Related: What You Need to Know About Using Hashtags on Twitter