This Taco Bell Bot Will Help You Order Your Next Gordita -- Start Up Your Day Roundup Want to try it? There's a waiting list.
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Looking for the latest headlines in small business, innovation and tech? Our Start Up Your Day recaps are posted every morning to keep you current.
A change of mind. The FAA now says drones can free fly over large cities and crowds -- in certain situations.
Going dark. Nest's Revolv hub is being discontinued, fueling rumors that this unit of Google's Alphabet is struggling.
Have it now. Taco Bell launched an integration with Slack to help you order your Crunchwraps with a bot, according to The Verge.
Express yourself. This new app allows you to communicate using video-memes rather than gifs.
Talk to the hand. Reddit released a new blocking feature to curb harassment, according to The Verge.
Hacked. Though the Panama Papers have been described as a data leak, the law firm involved claims it was the victim of a large-scale hack, according to Time.