Diversity - Page 8

Diversity in the workplace drives innovation and success. Here, discover what it takes to foster workplace diversity effectively, and how other organizations are navigating it.


Are You a Visionary Leader? Here are 12 Ways to Cultivate and Enhance Your Leadership Vision

Discover how visionary leadership can propel your organization to new heights. Learn 12 strategies to cultivate and enhance your leadership vision, including self-reflection, curiosity and effective communication.

Science & Technology

Artificial Intelligence Can Be Racist, Sexist and Creepy. Here Are 5 Ways You Can Counter This In Your Enterprise.

Today's entrepreneurs and innovators are exploring ways to use artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance efficiency, productivity, and customer service, but is this technology truly an advancement or does it introduce new complications by amplifying existing cultural biases, like sexism and racism? 


Why Addressing the Racial Wealth Gap is Good for Business

Employers and investors have a moral imperative to make closing the racial wealth gap a focal point of their business model. There is a tremendous opportunity to hire workers from disadvantaged communities and grow and sustain a strong workforce that helps grow all businesses.


Dealing With Workplace Intimidation? Here's How to Take Back Control of Your Work Relationships

Intimidation in the workplace happens far too often among colleagues, management and employers. Having the courage to stand up to someone can be hard for some employees, so it's best to try some different ways to take back control of work relationships in a professional way.

More Posts on Diversity


What Is the Difference Between Equality and Equity? Here's What You Need to Know.

Many people get overwhelmed with diversity language. Just two letters in the difference between equality and equity spell out two very different approaches — here's how you can understand how they're different.


To Be a Real Ally, You Need to Support Black Employees Beyond Juneteenth. Here's How.

Rather than simply honoring Juneteenth as a holiday, organizations that take a more comprehensive and systemic approach demonstrate real allyship, because real change needs action year-round.


The Difference is Difference — How to Harness the Power of Neurodiversity for Your Business

Every brain is different. By embracing the differences, you can find unique skillsets and empower every member of your team to achieve their potential.

Science & Technology

Why Elon Musk and Other Tech Experts Are Worried About Artificial Intelligence

In the emerging AI era, notable tech figures celebrate the technology's astounding capabilities while other companies fiercely compete in the AI market. Yet, as businesses struggle to adapt, many tech experts voice concerns about AI's potential pitfalls.


Boomers vs. Millennials? How to Broker Peace Between Generations in the Workplace

Every age cohort has experienced a crisis that shaped the way they work. Perhaps we are not as different as we have been led to believe.


The 6 Do's and Don'ts for Engaging in Juneteenth Conversations

As a DEI expert, I'll share my tips for engaging in meaningful conversations about Juneteenth — and damaging actions you must avoid at all costs.


How to Be an Ally to the LGBTQ+ Community During Pride Month and Beyond

Recent actions from Bud Light and Target have created more polarization on diversity issues in the workplace. Pride Month is a special time to celebrate with the LGBTQ+ community.


Beyond Marketing — How Brands Can Truly Support the Black Community on Juneteenth

Here are a few authentic ways businesses can support and serve as allies to the Black community on Juneteenth.


Are These 17 Biases Affecting You as a Leader? The Answer Is Likely Yes — Here's How to Address Them.

Having biases is an inherent part of being human, but that doesn't mean we don't have the responsibility to manage them and make sure they don't impact the way we lead.

Business News

How to Foster True Inclusion in Your Business

Everyone deserves to feel like they belong at work. Here's how you can help ensure your employees do.


A Woman Co-founder's Guide to Empowering Women in the Workplace and Advocating for Gender Equality

If you want to see more innovation and creativity from your employees, you need to make sure you've cultivated an inclusive and diverse workforce. Try these four strategies to support the women on your team and achieve your goals.