Naming Your Business? Read this First. Don't worry about being hip. Worry about being memorable.
By Linda Lacina
The first thing to think about when naming your business might surprise you. It's your company's story.
Don't worry about something hip or impressive, or even something that will work for your domain name, advises Melanie Spring, founder of the Washington, D.C.-based marketing company Sisarina. She says companies should get back to basics and find a name that hones in on what your company is really about so that you have something compelling – and memorable -- to share with people.
Her own company's name was born from an imaginary friend she didn't even remember she'd had as a small child until her mother reminded her. Using a word with a quirky personal history is distinct – and shares a piece of Spring with those she meets. Spring recommends finding a similar name that will inspire people to open up to you, give others permission to show their own most distinctive sides.
Hear more from Spring in this short video.