Want Better Email Conversion Rates? Try These 7 Tips. (Infographic) While every business is going to have a different audience and there isn't a single email solution that will work for everyone, this data is great to use as a starting point for your own testing.
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Email marketing can deliver tremendous results when it is done correctly. It is one of the most effective forms of online marketing -- and that isn't going to change anytime soon.
Are your email campaigns performing as well as they could be?
Related: 5 Do's and Don'ts For Creating Effective Email Lists
My company teamed up with HubSpot to create the infographic below, using the data from the 2014 Science of Email Report. The data will give you a good idea of how your recipients are reading your email, filtering your email and why they are unsubscribing from your list. The data also uncovers the email clients and devices that are the most popular.
While every business is going to have a different audience and there isn't a single email solution that will work for everyone, this data is great to use as a starting point for your own testing.
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Related: Here Are 6 Data-Backed Tricks for Getting Your Sales Emails Opened