How This Entrepreneur Turned His Side Hustle Into a Major Business How do you know when it's time to sacrifice your security to bet big on yourself?
By Gerard Adams
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
In this episode of Leaders Create Leaders, Entrepreneur Network partner Gerard Adams sits down with Randall Pich, an entrepreneur who started out as a personal trainer in college and who has since developed his business into a major fashion brand.
Pich made t-shirts with the slogan "Live Fit" solely for his personal training clients at first, but the demand for the shirts grew faster than he anticipated, until Pich was making just as much money from selling shirts as from his personal training business -- even though his business took up the majority of his time. That's why Pich decided to abandon his business and start selling shirts full time.
Click play to learn how Pich's bet has paid off.
See more episodes of Leaders Create Leaders Season 1 and 2 on Gerard Adam's YouTube channel.
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