Even Artists Have to Pay the Rent: Why This Photographer Went to Business School A world renowned and award-winning photographer sat down with Jessica Abo to share career advice for aspiring artists.
By Jessica Abo Edited by Dan Bova
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Jennifer Graylock is not only passionate about combining classic furniture structures with unique and exclusive high-resolution photography, she is also famous for it. The world renowned and award-winning photographer has one of the world's largest topical photo archives of celebrities and fashion images; and, she recently won the coveted Hollywood Beauty Award for Outstanding Photography. Graylock sat down with contributor Jessica Abo at the Caravan Stylist Studio in New York to discuss how she came up with the idea for her Face Chairs Art Series Collection, why she got a master's in business administration and her career advice for aspiring artists.
Watch more videos from Jessica Abo on her YouTube channel here.
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