Shark Tank's Barbara Corcoran Shares Her Secret to Pitching Success Take a look behind the scenes at the investor's Entrepreneur magazine cover shoot.
By Nina Zipkin

Even if you have all the conviction in the world, there are few things more nerve wracking than trying to convince people who can help you take your idea to great heights that they want to be in business with you.
For nine seasons on ABC's hit series Shark Tank, Corcoran Group founder Barbara Corcoran has seen countless pitches from hopeful entrepreneurs. Some couldn't have gone better and others simply fall short.
Related: We Interviewed Barbara Corcoran Live -- You Told Us What to Ask Her
When we caught up with Corcoran behind the scenes at her cover shoot for Entrepreneur Magazine's January 2018 issue, the mentor and investor said that her advice if you ever find yourself flailing in a pitch is simple: acknowledge it. She says you'll find that they will be willing to give you another shot. Why? "You look honest."
You heard it here folks, honesty really is the best policy.
For more from Corcoran, check out the video above.