4 Ways to Get Over Your Fear of Video Marketing Ben Angel gives some pointers to help finally start producing with video.
By Ben Angel
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Ben Angel lays out some roadblocks some entrepreneurs and creatives may be feeling about video marketing.
In addition, Angel offers some tips you can use to feel comfortable in front of the video lens. Angel admits that when he first started making videos, not only was his energy low, but he often looked frightened in front of the camera. He had hesitations when he first began filming; he even dreaded it. But now, after mastering a few techniques, he looks forward to the days he is in front of the camera. When you're feeling unsure, the key is to wipe out any doubt and just go for it.
If you're worried about screwing up, Angel explains there is no point. You will make mistakes no matter what, and by getting past that anxiety over not being perfect from Day One -- you will make more progress.
Click on the video to learn more on video marketing from Angel.
Related: Why Videos Are the Next Lucrative Step in Your Marketing Strategy
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