How You Can Use the New Facebook Update to Your Advantage Ben Angel spells out some tips to properly maximize the platform's latest update.
By Ben Angel
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
In this first installment of Ben Angel's tutorial on Facebook's newest updates, the Entrepreneur Network partner breaks down how the changes can help improve your advertising strategy.
One of his tips it to focus on Facebook engagement. Engagement on your page has a direct correlation to how well your Facebook ads will do. Also, as commonly understood, if your Facebook ads look more like native content then there will most likely be more engagement. Facebook quizzes are another ad form Angel prefers.
Some other tools Angel recommends include exploring Instagram stories, Facebook video ads (concentrating on optimizing the video format), and also exploring the conversational potential of chatbots.
Angel, who is a big proponent of using data, also sees the benefit of testing and measuring different strategies in copy and visuals. Finally, don't make assumptions. By always thinking of your advertising concept in an analytical sense, you will be less focused on the reputation of the social media giant as a whole.
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