When Is the Best Time to Post on Facebook? The simple answer? It depends on your audience.
By Neil Patel Edited by Dan Bova
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

When is the best time to post on Facebook? Well, unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your perspective), there's not one magic answer. Instead, in this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Neil Patel explains why the optimal time to post on Facebook is different for everyone: because everyone's audience is different. If you are targeting customers in California, you probably shouldn't be posting your content at the same time as someone targeting an audience in New York or Europe -- even if your businesses are located in the same place.
Patel recommends using Facebook Insights, which shows when people are on Facebook by tracking the engagement on your page, to help you identify some likely times that might work best for you.
He also recommends testing posts in three- or four-hour windows to get a general sense of what time of day your audience responds best to. Do they like seeing your content early in the morning, at lunch, after work or just before they go to bed? When you get a broader understanding of what your audience likes, you can then narrow that time of day to a specific hour and get the best reach for your Facebook post.
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