7 Quick Tips for Redesigning Your Company Logo (Infographic) Change doesn't have to be complicated. Simply tweak the old to ring in the new. Here's how.
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Companies used to get away with updating their logos without so much as a public hiccup, save for a mocking TV segment or newspaper editorial. Then came the unforgiving, un-forgetting Internet. As recently evidenced by Spotify and Facebook, nowadays you can barely even tweak your logo without basically turning all of Twitter green at the gills.
In today's digital (rage) age, it's best to tread lightly when refreshing your company logo, an iconic image that should draw people to your brand, not repel them...or tip off a Twitterstorm for all the wrong reasons. Your logo is the face of your brand, a memorable emblem that represents what you do and what you're about. But it's not a one-and-done deal. To keep up with the times, or to perhaps to reflect a new service or product line, you'll need to switch it up from time to time, in ways that don't alienate loyal customers and help attract new ones.
Related: 10 Big Brand Logo Transformations
To start, take a good, hard look at your current logo. What are its strengths and weaknesses? Which parts can be salvaged and used to build a new one? If your logo is text-based, is your font dowdy or difficult to read? Is there a core element or color that you just can't part with? Which distracting details can you ditch? Can it be modified to load faster on mobile devices? How can you make it leaner and meaner?
For several practical, actionable tips on how to teach your old logo new tricks -- without changing it beyond recognition -- check out the helpful infographic below. It comes to us courtesy of Company Folders, a Keego Harbor, Mich.-based office supply e-tailer.
Related: 5 Signs You Need a New Logo