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Inflection Points: 3 Business Growth Triggers In this infographic, explore three key trigger points in the lifespan of a business, and find tips on how to handle them.

By Henry S. Kivett

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As your business develops, it will inevitably experience change, and some of those changes will be profound. These "trigger points" can play a major role in shaping the growth trajectory of firms. They present opportunities, like increased revenue or access to innovative technology, and potential pitfalls, like gaining customers more quickly than you can handle.

Some trigger points are unique to a company or industry, but many others are predictable; they will happen to most companies along most business lifespans, and they can be forecasted and planned for. This infographic offers insights into these three key triggers and advice on how to navigate them.

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Inflection Points: 3 Business Growth Triggers (Infographic)

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