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3 Packaging Ideas That'll Make Customers Love Unboxing Your Products In today's digital world, customers crave the look and feel of a tangible experience. Win their hearts (and social media posts) with creative and interesting packaging.


The popularity of unboxing videos and posts on social media isn't new, yet most companies still aren't taking advantage of this cultural phenomenon. Even the most simplistic unboxing videos have garnered millions of views, and business owners don't have to sell the latest smartphone, meal prep service, or beauty subscription box to use unique packaging to excite your customers.

One thing is for certain: You want the unboxing experience to be memorable. After all, it's what your customers experience even before getting their hands on your product. The packaging needs to be more than an outside layer—it should be an experience. Think about the excitement of unwrapping presents and the unknown of what is to come.

Plus, you're signaling to customers that your product is truly special, and they deserve to treat themselves by buying your product. When you incorporate these three ideas for creating a smartly branded package that demands to be unboxed, you'll not only pick up social media cachet, you'll create devoted fans, too.

1. Consider the touch and feel of the packaging.

Creative business owners and entrepreneurs are always looking for new ways to connect with customers. One effective strategy is to reach them with a tactile experience.

People do so much digitally today, including online shopping, that simply opening a box and having an experience with a package is unique and fun. The unboxing, quite literally, is often the first touchpoint with your customers. Add to that tangible experience by appealing to the sense of touch that people lack when buying products online. Think about the ways that customers pick up and interact with items in stores, such as stopping to touch a soft blanket or cozy sweater, and brainstorm ways to add interactivity to your package.

This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, starting with a textured surface or a pop of color that makes the box stand out. For instance, printing your logo in a unique way on the packaging can catch customers' eyes and encourage them to touch it. As a recent example, several companies have embossed or printed glossy logo on a matte surface, creating a juxtaposition that begs the hands to test the difference. Other companies use fun, quirky messaging on the packaging to make customers wonder what's inside.

2. Customize the protection and packaging inside the box.

An entrepreneur's goal should be to create a gift-like experience for your products. That means adding an element of mystery and discovery to the packaging that will delight your customers.

Modifying the outside of the package is simply the first step, of course. Once a customer opens a box, they want to continue the adventure by exploring more and encountering surprises they wouldn't have expected. Consider the small aspects that might be overlooked. For example, one Silicon Valley tech company hides its device chargers in a separate compartment with a perforated flap, which invites customers with the friendly text: "Open up and charge me before use."

You can also use filler tissue paper that matches company colors or nestle products in tangible protection that aligns with the brand aesthetic, such as custom-made slots or inserts that fit products. Rather than haphazardly tossed in a box, your products remain safe during transit, too. You can also include separate boxes that can be opened and reused inside the package. Recent examples on the market include resealable pouches with plastic zipper closings and paper boxes with magnets that allow them to snap shut.

Extend the life of your brand by having sturdy and aesthetic boxes, which customers will want to reuse and repurpose. Boxes that are uniquely designed, exciting, or limited edition are perfect for any collector to keep on display long after the product has arrived at their doorstep.

3. Create a full customer journey.

Ultimately, successful business owners use creative packaging to tell a memorable story. You have this one moment to completely capture your customer's attention and imagination, which isn't easy to do in a digital world. Think about the full picture by using brand colors and text inside and outside of the box, as well as interesting shapes that may fit into each other in unique ways. Your mission is to surprise and delight customers in new ways.

Start from the moment the box lands in customers' hands. What will they see first, and which panels will open first? You can incorporate messaging on the inside flaps of the box, for instance, that welcome them to the experience. You can also attach a small freebie to the packaging early in the unboxing experience to woo them and show that you're already offering value beyond what they paid. This could be an extra sticker, bookmark, magnet, mini sample of a product that might appeal in the future, or a how-to guide to get started.

Crafting a unique packaging and unboxing experience doesn't have to be costly or over-the-top. Simply adding a personalized touch here and there will make the customer feel special and experience the tactile difference of luxury and high-end goods. In the end, you'll bring a smile to your customer's face and earn a loyal follower who spent precious time experiencing your product.

To learn more about how to use paper and packaging in your sensory marketing plan, visit How Life Unfolds.