Pat Crawley

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Can Chegg's AI Pivot Save It From Disruption?

Facing declining subscribers due to AI disruption, Chegg is betting on an AI chatbot of its own to turn the tide. But is it too late?

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Supermicro Computer: Can This AI Winner Continue Its Run?

Supermicro, a leading server solutions provider, is one of the biggest winners of the recent AI market boom. But is there still opportunity after the run-up?

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Beyond the Vision Pro: 3 Augmented Reality Small Caps to Watch

Apple's Vision Pro created a new spark for the virtual and augmented reality industry. Check out three small caps offering potential pure plays on the sector.

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Will MicroVision Maintain Its Momentum After the Short Squeeze?

MicroVision is currently the subject of a short squeeze and is one of the hottest stocks on social media. What's next after the squeeze?

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Is Frontline's 20% Dividend Too Good To Be True?

Tanker firm Frontline offers an impressive 20% dividend. But dividends in the shipping industry can change quarter-to-quarter. Can Frontline sustain it?

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OPEC Meeting: Is Saudi Arabia Trying to Squeeze the Oil Market?

In a surprising move, Saudi Arabia announces a significant oil production cut, causing tension within OPEC and raising questions about future oil prices.

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