Marketing - Page 8

Your marketing strategy can make or break your business. Here, discover tips for success when it comes to brand identity, customer engagement, social media presence and more.


I Wish I Knew This About Google Before Trying My Growth Strategy

Smart digital marketers love to sharpen their pencils while optimizing ad campaigns. But, as you will learn in this article, there is such a thing as over-sharpening your pencil to the point it breaks when you press on it, putting the entire campaign into a death spiral.

Growing a Business

5 Strategies to Know As You Scale Your Business

Scaling a service-based company requires a comprehensive approach that goes beyond simply increasing revenue. It requires careful planning, strategic decision-making and a deep understanding of market dynamics.

Growing a Business

Understanding YouTube Analytics — How to Leverage Data to Attract and Retain Subscribers

Whether you're just starting out on YouTube or an experienced creator looking to take your channel to the next level, YouTube Analytics has the metrics you need.


Does Your Agency Size Matter? It's Time to Challenge Your Assumptions

A nimble model offers more flexibility while losing none of the practical knowledge and strategic thinking.

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5 Secrets to Mastering Your Niche That Will Give Your Competition a Run For Its Money

Follow these steps to unlock a competitive advantage in an underserved segment.


Social Media Savvy CEOs Are the Ones Impressing Customers. Here's How to Make Yourself (and Your Brand) Memorable.

CEO impact goes beyond the boardroom. Learn how executive visibility affects your brand and why a strong leadership branding strategy is so critical to your bottom line.

Business News

Kickstarter Is Opening Up Its Platform to Creators and Making Big Changes to Its Model — Here's What's New

The company noted it is moving beyond traditional crowdfunding and making it easier for businesses to raise more money.


Marketing Campaigns Must Do More than Drive Clicks — Here's How to Craft Landing Pages That Convert Clicks into Customers

Following fundamental design principles will ensure that your landing pages lead potential customers from clicking on an ad to completing a purchase.


The Future of SEO — 3 Trends Every CEO Should Know

AI has caused so many changes in SEO. This article is intended to give entrepreneurs an understanding of how the changes are impacting their online visibility and what they can do to maximize their business growth.


5 Challenges Every Marketing Enthusiast Should Be Ready For

The most common challenges a marketing enthusiast might face and how to solve them.

Growing a Business

If You Aren't Betting on the Media Industry, You Are Losing a Competitive Edge — Here's Why.

Building or acquiring media assets is an increasingly popular strategy adopted by creative entrepreneurs and startups looking to leverage the industry's unique characteristics.


You Might Think You're a Great Leader — But Do Your Employees Agree? Here's How to Harness Empathy to Drive Team Success

True empathy is the mixture of unfiltered honesty with a deep understanding of an individual's narrative.


All Startups Need a Well-Defined Brand Positioning Statement. Here's a 3-Step Framework to Help You Craft One.

Startup founders often lack time but they should invest resources in identifying a winning brand position that will then drive all their strategic decisions.

Growing a Business

What ROI Should Really Look Like for Your Company's Public Relations Campaigns

Many companies see the value of PR and are willing to invest in it. But they want lickety-split results and to see themselves plastered all over the news.