David Teten


David Teten is a managing partner with HOF Capital, an international venture capital fund backed by limited partners across 33 countries. He is also founder of Harvard Business School Alumni Angels of NY, one of the largest angel networks on the East Coast. Teten holds a Harvard MBA and Yale BA.

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Resumes & Interviewing

Are You Hiring a Cultural Fit? Do You Actually Want To?

Acknowledge your culture, and share it with applicants before they even get to the interview phase.

Growing a Business

A Family-Friendly Work Environment Is a Powerful Recruiting and Retention Tool

Parents who have the flexibility they need are loyal employees.

Buying / Investing in Business

Face-to-Face Meetings With Investors Are Important, But Don't Underestimate the Power of Written Communication

Providing written answers helps potential investors advocate for you with the other partners in the firm.

Buying / Investing in Business

A VC Firm Investment Committee Rejected You. What Does That Actually Mean?

The rejection can mean different things, depending on where you stand with the firm.


Your Startup Is Dying -- Now What?

At a certain point, your best move is to admit defeat and move on.


With So Many Options for Marketing Your Business, What Content Should You Promote Where?

Your company typically has seven layers of content marketing. Here are tips for each layer.

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