Reach Your Full Leadership Potential with This $29 Training Bundle Find out how to unlock success as a manager or supervisor across 10 different courses.
By Entrepreneur Store Edited by Jason Fell
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The terms "boss" and "leader" are often used interchangeably, but there are a few key differences. A boss oversees a team as its top dog, whereas a leader engages with a team no matter where they personally rank within a company. A boss tends to demand answers and results, while a leader encourages the pursuit of solutions and progress.
Software CEO Richard Sheridan summed up these discrepancies well in a recent article for Entrepreneur: "Bosses command, leaders influence."
Whether your business card says "CEO" or not, research has shown that exhibiting leadership within the workplace can pay off in a major way in terms of employee retention, morale, and productivity. That's what makes the Complete Executive Leadership Bundle so valuable: Across ten different courses, it'll teach you how to become the best leader you can be within a managerial or supervisory role so you can help your team thrive in new ways.
On sale for a limited time, the bundle includes the following classes:
Understanding Team Culture: New Manager Management Skills 1 (a $49.99 value)
What is team culture, and how can you create your own? That's exactly what you'll learn throughout this one-hour introductory course on fostering the development of your team's unique mission and value system.
The 3 Levers: Create a 12-Month Business Growth Strategy (a $54.99 value)
You'll discover how to develop a growth strategy for your business in this 24-lecture class taught by Andy Angelos, founder of the social media marketing agency SocialKaty. It includes access to the Growth Modeling Tool Angelos built in Google Sheets, which you can use to create your own a financial forecast and growth model.
The Essentials of Feedback & Performance Management (a $94.99 value)
Research published in the Harvard Business Review found that the top predictor of team effectiveness is internal trust, which you'll learn how to cultivate in this two-and-a-half-hour class. Great for startup teams and senior managers alike, its lessons reveal the specific feedback methods you can use to foster trust and intra-team communication.
Professional Networking (a $44.99 value)
In just one hour of learning, you'll find out how to turn new connections into valuable and authentic working relationships using a second-degree networking strategy. By the end of all 26 lectures, you should be able to easily determine whether or not a relationship will make a difference in your career.
Recruiting: Learn How to Recruit & Hire Great People (a $64.99 value)
Spoiler alert: Leading a team requires, well, a team. This class will teach you how to recruit ideal candidates for yours (and in turn, build a successful company) using a process developed by a Fortune 500 recruiter.
Management Skills: Team Leadership Skills Master Class (a $199.99 value)
This 19-hour course is the most comprehensive training you'll ever get as far as honing your leadership abilities goes. Drawing upon the LEAN Business Process Management methodology, it'll show you how to develop core leadership and people skills that you can use to overcome professional challenges.
Create A Continuous Improvement Culture (a $49.99 value)
Refine your team's culture even further with the help of this 13-lecture course, which will show you how to use proven techniques to continuously improve your team's efficiency, reduce waste, shorten lead time, boost your office's appeal, and more.
Create a Culture of Team Safety (a $49.99 value)
Accountability and cooperation are musts when it comes to upholding a workplace's safety culture, which you'll learn how to implement across one hour of informative content.
Create A Culture Of Team Respect (a $49.99 value)
Sure, you might respect your team members, but do they respect you? This 10-lesson course will teach you how to build a collaborative culture of mutual respect that benefits your entire organization.
The Complete Management Skills Certification Course (a $134.99 value)
Based on MIT's Advanced Management Program, this class will show you how to transform your leadership style into one that helps both you and your company reach a fuller potential. Its lineup of 75 lessons includes tips on maximizing personal productivity, persuading effectively in the digital age, and more.
You can visit the Entrepreneur Store today to sign up for lifetime access to the Complete Executive Leadership Bundle for just $29 — a 96 percent discount on its original price of almost $800.