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Signed, Sealed And Delivered Services on the Net that allow you to design your own business cards and stationary

By Karen Solomon

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Even if your graphics knowledge is cut-and-paste and yourartistic ability doesn't go beyond stick figures, you can stilldesign your own business cards, letterhead and labels. If you canuse the Net, then you have the skills to create professional,unique and memorable communication designs with vendors who makethe process a cinch and will deliver the finished product to yourdoor.

Yes, iPrint, you print, we all can print at This online print shop isthe industry leader, and it has the best selection of products tocreate and brand your business, including large banners, coffeemugs, Post-it notes and magnetic signs. You can also custom-designiPrint's selection of T-shirts, magnets, golf balls, pens andso on. For daily business needs, there's an excellent selectionof business cards and mailing and address labels.

And even if you have the artistic vision of a cantaloupe,iPrint's Web-based creation tools are self-explanatory andwon't let you create something sub-par. There's no softwareto download, and even on a 33.6Kbps connection, things move alongat an acceptable pace. Prices are competitive, ranging between $20and $40 for 500 business cards. The company ships internationallyand, depending on your needs, can have your order to you in twodays.

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