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Promote Your Web Site, e-Style! 5 simple yet effective strategies to drive traffic to your Web site

By Pankaj Arora

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

You've put the finishing touches on your fancy new Web site.You've picked a snazzy domain name, you have a groovy pagedesign, and you're ready to take on the world.

Not (quite) so fast. You stare at your hit counter, and itisn't moving! Looks like you need some promotion, e-style!

There are essentially two ways to drive traffic to your site:Surfers can get pulled in themselves, or you can try to push themthrough the virtual door. To run a successful site, it's a goodidea to implement both strategies. In the end, though, the mostsuccessful sites build a strong, perpetual "pull" force,sometimes through initial "push" strategies. Here aresome of their secrets:

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