California's Charo Chicken Hatches Growth Plan, Prototype <b></b>
Huntington Beach, California-Charo Chicken,entering its 20th year of business, has embarked on a doubling ofthe delivery specialty brand's 11-store presence in SouthernCalifornia while introducing a new look and refined operationsunder president and chief executive Ray Perry, a veteran seniorexecutive of Hardee's, El Pollo Loco, Straw Hat Pizza and otherregional and national chains.
Of the 11 existing units, four are corporate operations and therest are franchises. Since the arrival of Perry, Charo has changedthe single-unit selling strategy to award a minimum of three-unitand a maximum of five-unit area development deals to experiencedrestaurants. On Perry's watch, the company has signed up 11franchisees, who plan to launch 44 stores by 2008. Among the newlysigned operators is a limited-liability company in which CharoChicken will be managing partner for four stores, to be built overthe next two years. "Then we will go into our own[corporate-store] development," Perry explained.
Existing Charo Chicken units average about $800,000 in annualsales, but Perry said he aimed to raise that to $850,000 at newsites. Lunch check averages range from $7.50 to $8.50 per person,and delivery tickets at night average about $23. Home deliveriesaccount for an estimated 40 percent of Charo's sales.-Nation's Restaurant News