10 Things All Entrepreneurs Must Do Before Quitting Their Day Job The steps you must take to turn a side hustle into a full-fledged business.
By Nina Zipkin
Before running a business full time, many entrepreneurs toggle between their day job and a dedicated side hustle. So how do you know when it's time to take the leap and leave your steadier gig behind? If you can check these items off your list, consider your decision made and exit your current job on a positive and graceful note. And for four more indispensable startup tips, check out the video above.
Related: 5 Tips from Entrepreneur Pros on Starting a Business
- Research. Do the requisite market research, talk to potential customers and scope out your competition.
- Legal. Engage an attorney to trademark your ideas and incorporate the business.
- Web presence. Buy a domain and build a dynamic website. Make sure customers have a way to get in touch with you and your team.
- Money. Open a bank account specifically for your business
- Social media. Find the platforms that work for you and start building the support of your customers.
- Identity. Develop a consistent brand from your logo to your voice on social media.
- Team building. Work with like-minded co-founders and assemble a support network of investors and advisors.
- Business plan. Can't take action without one.
- Budget. Make sure you have clear, separate books for both your business and personal expenses.
- Presentation. You're going to have to share your vision with many people as you get the company off the ground. Get your business proposal presentation in top shape.
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